Isaiah 52:6-8
We, as God’s people at St. Michael’s, have been trudging over the metaphorical mountains without a rector for almost two years. As Episcopalians, the way we have structured our doing church together tends to create a mindset that a strong leader is the primary one who brings good tiding, publishes peace, who brings good tidings of good, and publishes salvation, and tells us – Zion – that our God reigns.
These many months without that “Moses figure”, leading us through the challenging hills and valleys of our journey together, has taught us to see the “beautiful feet” of those all around us who sustain us by their steadfast walk on our pilgrimage through the wilderness.
Each of us could name those individuals who have inspired us to keep trudging. I could fill my word quota for this reflection by listing names of our St. Michael’s family who by their lives keep teaching me to know God.
I invite you to picture the beautiful feet of those whose lives touch yours as witnesses to God’s reign. My list begins with just a few who represent many others who steadfastly live out our faith.
Pepper Marts – Lay Eucharistic minister, and many other roles
Sue Ellen Rael – “sets the stage” for our worship
Carol Raish – coffee hour hospitality
Jane McGuire – tireless giver of time and superb skills for the Search
Jake Van Der Geest – Verger/Herder of Servants of Worship “cats”
Bruce Elsner – Food Pantry Boss
Pat Burke – quietly prays and sings (she who sings prays twice)
Cathy Bailey – the Moses disguised as Senior Warden
Kristin Schultz – Rector responsibilities without the title
Kay Veal – Comforter and Spiritual Companion
Ina Stewart – St. Martin’s stalwart
As we approach Maundy Thursday this year, this Isaiah passage gives me new layers of meaning for our ritual of washing each others’ beautiful feet.
Oleta Saunders
Isaiah 52:6-8
We, as God’s people at St. Michael’s, have been trudging over the metaphorical mountains without a rector for almost two years. As Episcopalians, the way we have structured our doing church together tends to create a mindset that a strong leader is the primary one who brings good tiding, publishes peace, who brings good tidings of good, and publishes salvation, and tells us – Zion – that our God reigns.
These many months without that “Moses figure”, leading us through the challenging hills and valleys of our journey together, has taught us to see the “beautiful feet” of those all around us who sustain us by their steadfast walk on our pilgrimage through the wilderness.
Each of us could name those individuals who have inspired us to keep trudging. I could fill my word quota for this reflection by listing names of our St. Michael’s family who by their lives keep teaching me to know God.
I invite you to picture the beautiful feet of those whose lives touch yours as witnesses to God’s reign. My list begins with just a few who represent many others who steadfastly live out our faith.
Pepper Marts – Lay Eucharistic minister, and many other roles
Sue Ellen Rael – “sets the stage” for our worship
Carol Raish – coffee hour hospitality
Jane McGuire – tireless giver of time and superb skills for the Search
Jake Van Der Geest – Verger/Herder of Servants of Worship “cats”
Bruce Elsner – Food Pantry Boss
Pat Burke – quietly prays and sings (she who sings prays twice)
Cathy Bailey – the Moses disguised as Senior Warden
Kristin Schultz – Rector responsibilities without the title
Kay Veal – Comforter and Spiritual Companion
Ina Stewart – St. Martin’s stalwart
As we approach Maundy Thursday this year, this Isaiah passage gives me new layers of meaning for our ritual of washing each others’ beautiful feet.
Oleta Saunders